As you would most probably expect any standard with a date of 1994 or 1998 do not represent current thinking and technology. GT Smart advocates the very best windscreen repair outcomes as demonstrated with these two windscreen repair before and after images carried out by GT Smart
The windscreen chip on this blogs page is a picture a chip which under the old standard BS au 242 1998 would not be permitted as the double break is too close together. However the "after image" shows that two repairs in close proximity cab be repaired successfully.
The BSI shop indicates that these two standards are under review.
Please see these two links:
Watch this space/blog for all our updates for windscreen repair kits, windscreen repair resins, chip repair kits, windscreen repair standards and all BSI public information on windscreen repair links.
We will report all published changes here as they happen so keep checking back on this GT Smart blog.