BS AU 242b:2021 Windscreen Repair Training Courses
After many years the new windscreen repair standard BS AU 242b:2021 is nearly ready for publication. At GT we have been anticipating this day for a long time as the old standards titles refer to 1994 and 1998. Having a 2021 dated standard will recognise new technologies and ensure that anyone who is carrying out repairs to BS AU 242b:2021 is competent having undergone training with an assessed outcome. GT will soon be in a position to offer these windscreen repair training courses in conjunction with GQA qualifications.
If you have happened to be sold recently a windscreen repair kit compliant to BS au 251:1998 in 2021 we recommend you speak to your supplier to receive free upgrade as the industry has known changes were imminent for 18 months and should have forewarned you at the time of purchase that BS AU 242b:2021 was coming in. Did they tell you?
BS au 251:1998 does have a run down period where companies may try and sell off old plastic parts, 12 volt parts and old UV tube lights but we would recommend that you buy only BS AU 242b:2021 compliant components. If you are looking to upgrade your kit of any type speak to GT and we will be able to advise you on your existing kit on what you need to to do to be BS AU 242b:2021 compliant.
Please contact us for all your British Standard compliant training, windscreen repair equipment and consumables